
@ Entitledarts the strategic planning process is more than just a set of rules to follow . It is more of a philosophical approach to business. The whole process is implemented in a way that everyone in the organization and the clients have a clear vision of tasks.The planning process has been divided into five steps which are goal-setting, analysis, strategy formation, strategy implementation and strategy monitoring.

While goal setting we define both short term and long term objectives. Goal are always realistic, detailed and always with the vision foreseen. SWOT analysis is the next key step and is always focused on understanding the needs of the business as a sustainable entity.

The first step in formulating a strategy is by gathering all the key information found during the SWOT analysis. Business and economic situations are always fluid hence once strategy is developed, everyone in the organization is made aware of their responsibilities and duties. Once the funding is in place and the employees are ready, we execute the plan.

We always follow up on the work and evaluate all the work that has been assigned, this is done to ensure that we have a keen eye for all the issues arising so that corrective actions can be taken at appropriate stages of work to maximize the quality and productivity.

Planning Process



– Preparation and Preliminary assessment.

– Current Vision of the Business.

– SWOT Analysis.



– Vision, Mission, Goals and Priorities.

– Operational Plans.

– Financial Forecasting



– Action Plan.

– Implementation/Follow-Up.

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